Youth Athletes Pressure

Youth athletes pressure and kids psychology articles for athletes, sports parents, and team coaches to improve performance.

How to Identify Burnout in Youth Sports

Kids Sports Psychology for Parents and Young Athletes

Should young athletes quit or recommit to youth sports? That’s a question that Andrew Simpson and his associates ask young athletes who may be approaching burnout. Simpson, chief vision officer, Player’s Fitness and Performance, helped create a training program for these athletes. The program looks at ways to help athletes … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Improving Young Athletes’ Thinking to Boost Performance

Kids Sports Psychology for Parents and Young Athletes

It’s possible to speed up young athletes’ thinking and reaction time, says Dr. Ryan D’Arcy, a sports dad, professor and president of NeuroCatch, a medical device startup that evaluates cognitive function. For example, he recently used red light therapy to speed up a football player’s cognitive processing by 70 milliseconds. … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Sports Kids’ Expectations can Become Pressure 

How Sports Kids’ Expectations can Become Pressure

Pressure is part of sports for young athletes. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find athletes who say they haven’t experienced some pressure. As sports kids become more competitive, pressure seems to increase and, for many athletes, that can be an overwhelming aspect of the athletic experience.Athletes respond … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Self-Criticism In Youth Athletes

Youth Sports Psycholgy

How to Help Your Athletes Stop Tearing Down Themselves Are your sports kids critical of themselves? After every mistake or bad game, do they put themselves down? When kids criticize themselves excessively, they experience fractured confidence, low motivation and under performance. The criticism also creates a loop: they perform badly…they … Read Sport Psychology Tip