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Kids Sports Therapist

We just sent you an email. Check for an email. When you click on the confirmation link we sent you, we’ll send you the free report!

If you don’t get the confirmation email (or the link to the free report) immediately from us, here’s what you can do:

  1. Wait a few moments–sometimes the email is delayed up to 30 minutes.
  2. Check your spam folder–not all email goes to your inbox.
  3. Attempt to sign up again.
  4. Try another email–some email providers don’t deliver all our email.

Just click the link in that email we sent you and you’ll get the confidence tips right away.

If you still don’t get a confirmation email from us within two hours, please contact us at youthsportstips @ and tell us you want the free e-book for sports parents.


Dr. Patrick Cohn, Mental Performance Coach

©2024 Kids’ Sports Psychology By Peak Performance Sports, LLC | 407-909-1700