Kids' Sports Psychology Audio Podcasts

How Gifted Athletes Can Best Navigate Youth Sports

Kids Sports Psychology for Parents and Young Athletes

Gifted kids often focus exclusively on sports and fail to make friends or participate in other activities, said Susan Williams, a clinical hypnotherapist at Parents and coaches need to encourage them to try other activities and to develop a circle of supportive friends, she said. She uses hypnotherapy to put … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Helping Sports Kids Combat Negative Thinking

Kids Sports Psychology for Parents and Young Athletes

Posting notes at home, trying hypnosis and passing a ball from the left hand to the right are three ways sports kids can combat negative thinking. These techniques are designed to help kids’ minds switch from negativity to positivity, said Ignacio Segovia, a psychologist, certified hypnotherapist and mental performance coach who … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Helping Young Athletes Respond—Not React—to Setbacks

Kids Sports Psychology for Parents and Young Athletes

Sports kids need to learn how to respond–not react–to setbacks, said Dayton Hansen, chief operating officer at ICL Academy, an online school that aims to help students pursue passions such as sports. Rather than reacting with emotion, they need to take a step back and use deep breathing and visualization to … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Strategies for Coaches to Improve Athletes’ Mental Game

Kids Sports Psychology for Parents and Young Athletes

Good coaches can motivate athletes to try their hardest. They can help kids move on from mistakes. They can even change kids’ lives, said Dylan Meyer, 22, a former college athlete and founder of Legacy of Legends, which helps parents choose sports camps for their young athletes. Related Kids Sports … Read Sport Psychology Tip